During our housekeeping we've found some items we need to move out for more space! These items are for sale & the proceeds will be used to update our record-keeping system! Check out our Donations Page for details!
Our trip to Topeka to drop off the old 1930's newspapers for microfilming was successful... and fun! We dropped off the newspapers, and they were closed to visitors, but the archivist gave us a special tour of the archives and how they do the microfilming. Then we went to the Kansas Masonic Lodge to ask some questions about our local lodge meeting room in our museum building...found out some interesting stuff. Then we went to the Capitol Building, and of course we had to take the tour to the top. We found out just how good of shape we are in. That's a LONG way up there, but fascinating information, some curious graffiti, and beautiful view at the top. Oh, and a nice, cool welcome breeze after that climb. And we all made it home safe and sound thanks to Andy's good driving and Michelle's GPS abilities. |
October 2017
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